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Mission Statement

The Arlington Taxpayer Alliance is a non-partisan political group whose focus is recruiting strong candidates who will put the taxpayers first and will work for the betterment of Arlington, not for political or personal gain.
Our mission is to restore sound principles in our local government and restore fiscal accountability to the citizens of Arlington and Tarrant County. 
We provide information on the candidates and their vision in our local government and work to support the candidates that pledge support for our core values.  

"One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors."

- Plato

Our Mission

Our Mission

Restore sound principles in our local government and restore fiscal accountability to the citizens of Arlington. 

US Flag
Politician Greeting Children

Our Vision

Recruiting strong candidates who will put the taxpayers first and will work for the betterment of Arlington, not for political or personal gain. 

We Need Your Support Today!

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